Katie Hempenius

Software Engineer in New York City

Map of San Francisco

Web Scraping

A Map of San Francisco, According to 30,000 Yelp Listings

This project investigated how Yelp data would characterize the different neighbhorhoods of San Francisco.

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Median Rents By Neighborhood

Web Scraping

How much does it cost to rent a room in San Francisco?

This article provides an overview of the rental market for single rooms in San Francisco (i.e. living with roommates) based on data collected from 15,000 Craigslist postings.

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What do people mention in their Tinder profiles?

This investigation looks at how people describe their interests, personalities, and physical selves across 10,000 Tinder profiles that were collected via botting.

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Sensor Networks

A more cost-effective unattended ground sensor using commercial off-the-shelf products

This paper outlines the creation of an unattended ground sensor (UGS) network using Android smartphones and Arduino microcontrollers in conjunction with an ad-hoc wireless mesh network and an unattended ground vehicle (UGV).

> Read Paper (IEEE)